Dental Implants Tijuana
Prices from $1700
Cost of Implants in Tijuaua from $1750 - $2100
What is a Dental Implant?
If one or more of your teeth has fallen out, your dentist might suggest you get a dental implant. While other options for repairing or replacing single or multiple teeth are available, none have proven to be as successful as the dental implant (which has an approximate success rate of 95%). Many experts proclaim dental implants are "the future of dentistry", but what exactly is a dental implant and how does it work?A dental implant is a titanium replacement for your tooth root. People lose teeth for all sorts of reasons – accidents, tooth decay, root canal failure – and if the tooth isn't replaced, more teeth could be lost.
The titanium dental implant sits inside the cavity left by a tooth root, and a prosthetic crown sits atop the titanium thread, molded to resemble an actual tooth.
Dental implant technology can also be used to support a dental bridge replacing multiple missing teeth. People needing upper or lower dentures find securing the denture with implants increases stability and comfort.
Dental Implants
Tijuana Cosmetic Dentist