Monday, November 30, 2009

Great Teeth Straightening Solutions

Many people think that braces are for adolescents. Once they have reached adulthood, they think it is too late to have a brace or a teeth straightening solution. This may be because they feel embarrassed having train track brackets on their teeth, thinking they are really noticeable. Other reasons maybe costs, needing to pay full price once reaching adulthood. There are many solutions which are cost effective and less noticeable.
The world of dentistry has evolved since the basic brackets with elastics. There are invisible braces, retainers, self-litigating braces and cosmetic braces.
When do you require a brace?
People usually have a brace when they feel their teeth look uneven or crooked.
This can be caused by-
There are too many teeth in the mouth so they overlap to fit along the gum line.
Sometimes people have a fall or have an impact to the mouth, causing teeth to move, sometimes loosening the roots.
Some people have teeth like their parents which grow uneven.
Thumb sucking/excessive chewing
Bad habits like chewing items or sucking fingers can force the teeth to move in an unnatural way, or secondary teeth to grow crooked.
Types of braces
The cheapest and most used solution of all is the traditional "train track" brace. Brackets are glued to the teeth and a wire is fed though and held by two clasps at the back of the mouth by the back teeth. These are then adjusted by the dentist over a period of time, and eventually elastics are applied to create more pulling force, rearranging the teeth. Very often people have to have one to four teeth removed to allow room for teeth to move into alignment. The treatment can last from 12 months to four years depending on the amount of movement required by the teeth and how fast the teeth can move. A retainer is then worn to keep the teeth in place once the brackets have been removed for about six months and then just on nights for a short period of time.
More advanced braces include brackets that are applied to the back of the teeth. These may sound uncomfortable, but they are made specially to fit your mouth, so they won't affect your speech once used to them and adapt to you. Nobody can see these as they are behind the teeth, and the perfect solution for those who are self conscious about treatment.
I you don't like the idea of a brace there are retainers that are clear plastic and cover the teeth, which are almost invisible to the eye, as they are shaped from molds of your teeth for a snug fit. They can also be removed when eating so no embarrassing food stuck in them. This makes them easy to clean.
There are alternative brackets that actually hold the wire, rather than the wire just being fed through and rick coming out. These also work quicker than the normal brace. They do not involve the elastics and therefore your mouth is more hygienic and easier to clean.
There are also braces that are clear and white wires that match the colour of your teeth and therefore less noticeable. Many celebrities have used these so they are very popular but have a bigger price tag.
It is very important you consult your dentist or orthodontist before getting treatment to discuss the best treatment for you, deepening on your teeth, the length of time you have to treat and the amount of money you have to spend.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dental Braces in Tijuana

Are you afraid to smile widely because your teeth don’t look good? Do you have crooked teeth that you have wanted to be straightened for a long time now? Are your upper and lower jaws not aligned, causing you problems? If you answer yes to any these and are looking for the perfect solution, dental braces may be the answer to your problems.
Dental braces are used to straighten crooked teeth. These put a steady pressure on your teeth and when left in place for a certain period of time, you can achieve really good results. If you notice, dental braces have wires and rubber bands. The former are the ones that move the teeth while the latter help to align them. These braces should be worn for about 2 years and should be really taken care of until they are removed.
Aside from straightening your teeth, dental braces are also used to align upper and lower jaws. Some people have an overbite or an underbite. Overbite means your upper jaw is bigger than your lower jaw while underbite means you’re your lower jaw is bigger than your upper jaw. But both these terms are better referred to as malocclusion. When your orthodontist notices any of these problems, he or she can recommend you to have dental braces to resolve the problem.
So, if you think you are facing these problems, you should pay your dentist a visit as soon as possible so that he or she can recommend you to an orthodontist. The earlier you put on braces, the better since it usually takes two years before these braces will be removed. And with the many options for dental braces these days, you can choose the type that you want. You can either go for a metal, ceramic, or clear braces. Whatever type you choose, the end result will be the same: a more beautiful set of teeth.
Braces provides detailed information on Braces, Dental Braces, Clear Braces, Cost Of Braces and more. Braces is affiliated with Cause Of Bad Breath.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Master Dental Braces Before They Master You

Wearing dental braces can be one of the most difficult things one ever does in life. Yet, it doesn't need to be that way. I write this from my heart to anyone who has braces and needs to know how to master them, instead of them mastering you. Dental braces don't need to be a hardship, they can actually be fun, if you master a few areas from the first day you get them on...
I'm sure this letter is coming to a variety of age groups, which is my hope and prayer. You see, I'm 41 years old and I felt kind of weird getting full braces. Everyone in the waiting room was 7-25 years old, but my dentist said get them, or don't expect my teeth to straighten. If your a child, I hope you love this article, If your an adult, I hope to encourage you to the utmost as well.
Let's get to it. How do you master dental braces, instead of them mastering you. A little disclaimer: What has worked for me might not worked for you, so please, follow your dentist or doctor's directions first and foremost, but I'm going to be blunt and to the point in order to help most of you out right now.
The best piece of advice that I got from the start. Relax. Relax and try not to think about them being in your mouth. In fact, the dental assistant told me: Don't think about it. Just be yourself and be normal. That was priceless. Why?
The first day I got braces I wanted to take them back and tell the doctor to rip them off my face. I even thought about the $4,600 I had to pay (my insurance didn't cover because I'm over 25) and thought about how I didn't care even if I had to pay it, just stop this bottom bracket from tearing into my cheeks!
All-right. So I'm not trying to scare you, but wearing braces can be difficult if you don't master them before they master you!
First and foremost you have to have fun, laugh, and be yourself just like you did before you got your braces. I know, I know, the directions say "don't eat any sugar, no sweets, no caramel, etc, etc, etc., again, follow the directions of your dentist, but I say, use moderation instead, and enjoy your food!
Your teeth are going to hurt for a while. There are some things that are normal that you won't feel are normal. I already called my dentist and all of the following are normal, believe it or not: teeth moving, you being able to touch your teeth and see them move, pain, tightness, and much more.
My dentist told me that I would feel normal in about one to two weeks. No way. It took me about a month and a half. After a month, I was beginning to feel like the old "me" and beginning to enjoy my food. Now, about the food. Please, don't make the mistake I made, don't try to eat with ALL your teeth right away.
I thought, ok, I better just be normal, so let's go ahead and chomp away! Ugh! I got so much food stuck in my front teeth you could have filled up two gum wrappers with it! Don't chomp away. Don't eat like your teeth haven't been affected. Granted, each person is different, but if I could please give you this advice. If you used to brush hard, brush medium, if you are a soft brusher, good for you. If you were a hard brusher like me, you are going to have to back off a little bit!
Let me explain. I went through a lot of undo pain the first few weeks just cranking away on my bottom teeth. Before I got the braces I would just scrub and scrub. However, the bottom tooth is the one that is crooked, so I was really scrubbing the daylights out of a tooth that's MOVING. Not a good thing.
Realize, your teeth are moving now, you wouldn't clean a moving car with a 500lb jet sprayer, so don't do that with your teeth either. You've got to be a little more sensitive to yourself.
Again, the first two weeks for me, I wanted to take the braces back to the dentist. Now, I hardly know there there. Another thing is prayer. Seriously, pray and ask God for help at this time. I'm a Christian, and so one day I just prayed this simple prayer and I encourage you to pray it too: "Lord, please teach me how to eat again, with these braces on."
He heard my prayer and I began to eat more with my back teeth. But first, there was a peace! God gave me the peace to move forward and I felt moved by him to stop brushing so hard, and to also eat more with my back teeth. Not to ignore my front teeth, and to chew with them too, but just to change them from the main chewers, to the backup chewers, if that makes sense.
The first three weeks for me can be summed up in one word: uncomfortable. Well, I can help you get through that too. I wanted to sit down at night and slurp on my nightly "Welch's grape juice bars." Uh-Oh. No way. They were history. They are history for now. Until I get the braces off. It was just too cold on my teeth and they all tightened up like they were preparing for war or something.
I'm a juice bar nut, but I almost like ice cream as much as juice bars. Come to find out, Ice Cream has less fat than some of those juice bars! Anyways, I needed some food I could enjoy. Before I tell you my favorite food wearing braces, let me encourage you by letting you in on some of my 2nd place finishers. I love to eat cream corn, ribs that are all the way cooked, because you can take them off the bone with your fingers...
A new love! Tapioca pudding! It's actually an old love, but through the first few weeks it got me through! Also, health wise: Fig Newtons! Awesome soft food, healthy, and eating them is fun with your braces. Again though, you must focus on eating with your back teeth, not the front. Also, put a little food on your tongue and let it sit there for a minute, then move it to the back, because you don't want it cramming into your front wires!
Hmm...let's see. Other foods you may like: peas, cream corn-man this is satisfying with braces. Also, Chili! Yes, Chili! Do you have a Farmer Boys near your house? Best thing you can do for your little one after they get braces is just take them to Farmer Boys for a nice hot bowl of Chili! Farmer Boys makes them with meat in it, and not so many beans, and the meat is thin, so you will be nourished and you'll feel normal again right away! Chili my friends! Chili!
Hmm..what else? Also, soft fruits are great. Watermelon, cucumbers, and orange slices are awesome with braces.
But remember above all else. You need to cut up everything! You can't just sit down and eat a cheeseburger! You need to cut up all your sandwiches into fourths or eighths, make everything bite-sized. You can't eat huge anymore.
Watch out for nuts! They seem to be the hardest thing to eat with braces. You can eat them once in a while, but let me teach you how. Anyone like chocolate nut clusters? Me too! However, you can NEVER, ever eat these with your front teeth! You just can't! Eat them with your BACK teeth only. Believe me, you'll thank me later. I tried to eat one the first three days and almost popped everything off in my mouth. Also, if you eat candy, eat just one! Believe me, one is going to feel like four with your braces on.
Secondly, eat slowly, enjoy, and chew up your food. Never before has chewing become so important! Chew! Chew! Chew! Enjoy! You'll be glad you did.
Also, lastly, you've got to relax and watch out for wax! The doctor kept telling me to put wax, wax, wax. I have a scientific mind and it told me that I am just postponing the inevitable. Those braces by the cheek are going to have to tear in and make an indention or bruise eventually. So, after using wax for just a day or two, I gave it up.
Then, of course, there was the usual pain, but after a day for me, it started going away. Yes, yes, the braces made an indention in my cheek and if I swirl my tongue around under my cheek I can feel the scarred tissue or whatever that is, but hey, my cheek has toughened up, and I don't need wax anymore. I've talked to people who waxed for months!
Ok, I promised to tell you my favorite food. It's vanilla, sherbet, or strawberry ice cream. I eat just a scoop or two at night three or four times a week because it is so soothing to my mouth. At first my mouth started tightening up a bit, but after I did it for a day or two, the tightening has lessened and is hardly noticeable. Plus I feel so good after having the ice cream because it is so soothing to my mouth!
Now, again, follow your dentist, but at my first braces checkup, I am way ahead of schedule. I believe I'm going to get my braces off in 8 months or less! And that's eating ice cream too!
My crooked truth has almost fully straightened and it's been less than three months! Also, I am wearing Damon Braces, and they are very comfortable and they are a brand new technology that works with the natural movement of your teeth, and they don't require tightening near as much as standard braces! If you're a parent shopping for braces don't forget that name!
Lastly, if I can do it at 41 years young, you can too. Don't let braces master you. You must master them. And a final word on flossing too. You are NOT going to be able to floss everyday. It's too difficult and you'll get frustrated. Floss regularly, but most important, brush regularly, and use lots of mouthwash. It'll sooth your mouth! Mouthwash with Peroxide! Colgate makes a great one.
Also, my dentist recommends Colgate Total for the best results while wearing braces. Let me tell you why I agree with him. I'm a public school teacher of 20 years, and I once had a sixth grade student who did an in-depth science experiment comparing Colgate Total, Crest, Agua-Fresh, and more. Long story short, the Colgate Total came out on top in every area: less cavities, less tooth decay, and most of all more whitened teeth than any other brand.
That student was one of my smartest ever and her research was intensive. I was actually a Vice-Principal at the time and a science fair judge. That said, please, enjoy your new braces, and remember, be the master of them, before they master you!
Don Alexander is a writer and published poet and has two online missions: Sharing his writing and also helping "all to succeed" in online business. Don feels that online home business is the financial answer for the average American today.
"Helping ALL to Succeed"

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Friday, November 20, 2009

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Adult Dental Braces & Quality of Life

Are your teeth crooked with uneven gaps between them? When you laugh or smile do you have a tendency to hold your hand up high and cover your teeth? You probably already know then that you are a good candidate for braces as an adult. That's good but if you're like most people you probably don't know a whole lot about braces. The good news is that you do not have to be an expert in order to get braces and have a beautiful smile.

If you or your dentist is currently not too happy with the alignment of your teeth then yes, you certainly may need dental braces. Dental braces are a form of orthodontic treatment to realign your jaw and teeth to make them look better. An additional benefit is that the proper alignment of your teeth and jaw will also dramatically improve the quality of your oral health.

You should be comforted to know that the wearing of braces as a way to improve the quality of life of dental patients has a long and quality history. At one time, dental braces were mostly done on children and teenagers. The treatment usually occurred after the child's permanent teeth grew in. Today children are still the primary patients for this treatment but now more and more adults are getting dental braces because they are unhappy with their oral appearance or they are already experiencing dental health problems.

Far more serious for many adults is the discrimination they experience because of their ugly teeth formation. Jobs are lost, promotions are missed, and invitations from friends and coworkers are less than what they should be. As a result, seeing adults in braces is becoming very common place in society.

As unfair as the following may sound and actually be in reality, more and more adults that have their teeth straightened and whitened are finding more job opportunities and faster career advancement. As much as conscientious people do try to be neutral and non-discriminatory in this area, the reality is that when you are sitting across the desk from a coworker or prospective employer or an employee you are at least subconsciously influenced by the quality of their smile.
Adult Dental Braces insurance is difficult to find but it really does exist. A good individual dental insurance review is one that will tell you not only which insurance companies offer the coverage you are seeking but also can tell you what coverage is available in your ZIP code. As a licensed insurance agent I can help you in that search.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Children and Braces

Back in the day, braces were only for people who had major tooth and jaw problems, often tried to fix in childhood, if lucky. Braces were so expensive that many families would choose to leave their children with poor teeth, because the price tag was too expensive for most middle class families. However, in today's world, things are a little different.
If you ask almost any young person on the street today if they had braces when they were a kid, most people will answer yes. Is this because the price for braces has gone down? No, in fact, the price has more than tripled in the past ten years alone. When I was a child, my parents paid $2000 for three years of braces and headgear to move the jaw forward-today parents can expect to pay at least $6000, just for the basic braces package.
But is it worth it?
That is always the question. However, in the case of most medical procedures and dental work, what you pay for is what you get. If your child, like most children, was given a lot of antibiotics as a child their teeth may grown in less healthily. There is also the hereditary of how the jaw develops. Many children have an under or over bite which causes them to wear their teeth down more quickly. Getting your children braces before they are adults can greatly improve their health and self esteem.
In a country obsessed by good looks, it is important to give your child the best chance to succeed.
However, there is the challenge of convinces your kids that kids are in their best interests. One of the first things to do is to make braces hip. Luckily orthodontic developers are on the same page as parents and recognize that they need to make braces as fun as possible so kids will take their braces and bracial health seriously.
Kids still have a hard time getting use to braces, but with practice and nagging from parents that can not only get used to having this foreign metal in their mouths, but learn good dental health habits. Getting braces at a young age can also help future dental problems that can be fixed with dental work early in life.
For More Information
If you would like more information on braces, teeth care, or dental health visit today! Taking care of your teeth is an important part of staying healthy, longer.
Joseph Devine

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Root Canal Therapy in Tijuana Mexico $300

Root Canal Therapy in Tijuana Mexico $300: "Tijuana Root Canal Proceedures
Root Canal in Tijuana

Tijuana Root Canal Procedures

Root Canal in Tijuana

Root canal therapy

If the nerve of your tooth is decayed or infected, you will need a root canal. In the interest of saving the tooth, the living tissue or pulp inside it is removed. So are the nerves. All bacteria and decay are cleaned out. The space that is left is filled in with dental materials that have been medicated. This treatment restores the tooth back to full functionality.
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