Transparent high grade plastic is employed in this procedure. People will never know that you are up to something. In other words, without making much fuss and causing fanfare, you can literally "secretly" fix your teeth. The dental structure of a person is unique - how does the dentist design the perfect Invisalign for you? It is executed by gathering data regarding the dental arrangement (normally using advanced x-ray profiling). Once the "profiling" of the teeth is done, the dentist will alter the image so that beautification is the result. Once the resultant image is shown to and approved by the customer - a transparent structure (fitting the new teeth profile) will be created using sophisticated technologies.
Much is happening in the background - I am just providing an outline! In simpler terms, it can be stated that the dentist will create a custom Invisalign for your teeth. Wear them and just forget that you are donning them - within weeks, the results will be pronounced. The procedure is expensive and it will cost approximately $4000. Well, premium always comes with a price tag. If you are looking for an effective method to bid goodbye to misaligned teeth, this is the best manner to proceed.
Are there any advantages if this procedure is opted in comparison to metallic dental braces? Yes, there are - in fact, it is manifold. The alignment of the teeth is rectified swiftly. The comfort levels can be merely augmented by investing on this procedure. It is simpler, easier and more efficient to clean the Invisalign in comparison to the conventional dental braces. Besides, no one is going to notice that you are undergoing treatment for teeth misalignment - posing for photographs and meeting up with friends is no longer an ordeal.
No more frequent visits to that "dreaded dentist" to tighten the metallic braces that were enforced unwillingly upon oneself! The treatment can take up to 12 months, but this is primarily dependent upon the extent of "damage" to be rectified. There are no disadvantages to the paradigm except the fact that the procedure can make a good dent on your purse. The "profiling" (that was explained earlier) must be done accurately, else you are inviting more trouble. Stick to the plan - do not resort to remove the Invisalign at regular intervals, it needs to be kept in the correct position for approximately 18 hours in a day.
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